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Jacob Rask
Jacob Rask
Software Engineer
Paul Jacks
Paul Jacks
Software Engineer

Introducing Types

Version 2.11 is here!

Work continues at VCC-UI and today we're proud to announce that we have integrated our first types to be packaged with the library. These types are based on our component structure and offers auto-complete in your favourite IDE or editor.

Types - A crash course🔗

Typescript have grown like a rocket in popularity over the last year and most teams have already started using typescript to speed up development. Therefore, it was a natural step to support typescript out-of-the-box.

So why typings? Types or typings allow us to constrain what input we offer to our components and helps the dev implement the framework with a tighter integration to tools.

Baby steps, reiterable.🔗

We decided, in order to not break anything, to introduce a very light version. These typings are based on the frameworks capabilities, and help navigate what components and functions we offer from the public api. They do not stipulate how to use components or offer any guidance in design specific behavior.

Do you already have types declared?🔗

Do you already have types declared? Dont worry, ours should not interfere with yours. But if they for some reason might, excluding our types is super simple. You can exclude our types by editing your tsconfig.json then simply adding:

You can also augment our typings very easily, by simply declaring your own module as such:

If you're running into any issues or have feedback🔗

We are always available on Slack or Github, and feedback is always welcomed!